The medium used to implement the transfer of protocol data units (PDUs) between peer physical layer (PHY) entities of a wireless local area network (LAN).). The IEEE 802.11 standard, for example, specifies the MAC protocol for sharing of the wireless medium, packet formats, addressing, eror detection and recovery following errors.) to transport MAC service data units (MSDUs) between stations that are not in direct communication with each other over a single instance of the wireless medium ( WM wireless medium.
The MAC protocol operates within the Data Link layer (Layer 2) of the ISO OSI Open System Interconnect 7 layer Model. This is the network's Medium Access Control scheme. The following topic describes 802.11b/g DSS distribution system service: The set of services provided by the distribution system (DS) that enable the medium access control ( MAC (Medium Access Control: In most wired and wireless networks, a mthod is used to control how and when a device can transmit data over the communications link. Available Features (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC) Available Features (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC)